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The sixth international conference in spectral imaging (IASIM-16) was held in Chamonix-Mont-Blanc (France) at the Majestic Congress Centre, July 3rd-6th 2016.
This conference brought together speakers, contributors, attendants and exhibitors from areas covering all aspects of spectral imaging (microscopic, macroscopic, remote sensing) and a large part of the electromagnetic spectrum. It included three days of scientific sessions, with oral and poster presentations on any facet of spectral imaging research.
Technical sessions included keynote presentations by invited speakers, contributed presentations, panel discussions from members of the imaging community, posters and exhibitors, promoting cross-talks and new ideas.

Pre-conference activity (workshop) Sunday, July 3rd

As is tradition, a pre-conference workshop took place one day before the conference, July 3rd, at 2 pm. The workshop was organized as a brainstorm session. The session was opened with a talk, which introduced a problem and addressed several related questions. After that, participants discussed the questions in small groups and came up with possible ideas, solutions, pitfalls, etc. Every group worked on a particular aspect of the problem and presented the outcome of the discussion.

The topics discussed were:

  • Utilizing spatial information when analyzing hyperspectral data.
  • Portable devices for multi and hyperspectral imaging.

Invited speakers

  • TOPICAL TALK: Brigitte Leblon, "Overview on Sensing Technologies for Real-Time Monitoring of Wood Properties" – Faculty of Forestry and Environmental Management, University of New Brunswick.
  • PLENARY 1: Yuval Garini, "Rapid Microscopy Measurement of Very Large Spectral Images" – Physics Department & Institute of Nanotechnology, Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan.
  • PLENARY 2: Frederic Jamme,"Synchrotron light for spectral imaging" – Soleil Synchrotron, GIF-sur-Yvette.
  • PLENARY 3: Giorgio Antonino Licciardi, "NLPCA applications for the spectral compression and denoising of multivariate images" – GIPSA-Lab, Grenoble INP, Grenoble.
  • PLENARY 4: José Manuel Amigo,"Hyperspectral imaging in industrial setups. Adaptation and implementation" – Department of Food Science, University of Copenhagen.
  • PLENARY 5: Lorna Ashton,"Making colourful sense of Raman images of single cells" – Department of Chemistry, Lancaster University.


Challengechallenge IASIM 2016

A challenge, developed by Neal Gallagher, was proposed to any registered attendee. Full objectives are described here.

The aim was the detection of melamine particles in wheat gluten from NIR Reflectance images. Six images were available: 3 of known composition (for model “calibration”) and 3 unknown test images for “prediction”.

Data (.mat files) can be downloaded individually:

Wheat_gluten_pure / Melanine_pure / M_200ppm / Test1 / Test2 / Test3 (download links have been disabled)

Solutions were evaluated on accuracy and creativity by a jury.

A special session was be dedicated to the presentation of the three best contributions. 
The winners were awarded a prize.

Post-conference activity (IASIM at the top) Wednesday, July 6th

aiguille du midimontenvers glacier








In collaboration with the Majestic Congress Centre, two social activities were proposed on Wednesday, July 6th – afternoon:

  • Aiguilles du Midi: From the centre of Chamonix, a 20 minutes ride in the Aiguille du Midi cable car takes you to the gateway to the high Alps at a height of 3,842 m. The laid-out terraces offer a 360° view of all the French, Swiss and Italian Alps. The more fearless will take a step in the void, onto a 2.50 m glass cage out over a 1000 m precipice.
  • Montenvers (Mer de Glace): Departing from Chamonix, this famous rack and pinion railway brings you to the Montenvers site at 1913 m. An imposing panorama of the Mer de Glace glacier, the Drus and the Grands Jorasses.



Conference Chairmen

  • Ludovic Duponchel (LASIR CNRS Université de Lille Sciences et Technologies , France)
  • Cyril Ruckebusch (LASIR CNRS Université de Lille Sciences et Technologies , France)

Scientific Committee

  • Vincent Baeten (Walloon Agricultural Research Centre CRA-W, Gembloux, Belgium)
  • Morgan Cable (Jet Propulsion Laboratory, NASA / California Institute of Technology ,USA)
  • Anna De Juan (University of Barcelona, Spain)
  • Gerard Downey (Teagasc, Dublin, Ireland)
  • Gerda Edelman (AMC, Amsterdam, the Netherlands)
  • Juan Antonio Fernandez Pierna (Walloon Agricultural Research Centre CRA-W, Gembloux, Belgium)
  • Neal Gallagher (Eigenvector Research, Wenatchee, WA, USA)
  • Paul Geladi (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Umea, Sweden)
  • Aoife Gowen (University College Dublin, Ireland)
  • Neeta D. Kang (BCRIC, Christian Medical College and Hospital, Punjab, India)
  • Sergey V. Kucheryavskiy (Aalborg University Esbjerg, Denmark)
  • Federico Marini (University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Italy)
  • Paolo Oliveri (Department of Pharmacy, University of Genova, Italy)
  • Bosoon Park (United States Department of Agriculture, Athens, Georgia, USA)

Organizing Committee

  • Silvère André (LASIR CNRS Université de Lille Sciences et Technologies , France)
  • Emilie De Paepe (LASIR CNRS Université de Lille Sciences et Technologies , France)
  • Isabelle De Waele (LASIR CNRS Université de Lille Sciences et Technologies , France)
  • Olivier Devos (LASIR CNRS Université de Lille Sciences et Technologies , France)
  • Ludovic Duponchel (LASIR CNRS Université de Lille Sciences et Technologies , France)
  • Siewert Hugelier (LASIR CNRS Université de Lille Sciences et Technologies , France)
  • Brigitte Layous (LASIR CNRS Université de Lille Sciences et Technologies , France)
  • Myriam Moreau (LASIR CNRS Université de Lille Sciences et Technologies , France)
  • Cyril Ruckebusch (LASIR CNRS Université de Lille Sciences et Technologies , France)
  • Cécile Willems (LASIR CNRS Université de Lille Sciences et Technologies , France)







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